Zu Community basierter Kunst

In the series of events “zu Community basierter Kunst”, moderators talk to artists who develop practices outside of institutional spaces, which thereby act as community-building.
The event series is organised by the curatorial working group: Nika Grigorian, Agnieszka Kilian and Marina Naprushkina.
How to grow the community? Zu Community basierter Kunst, Teil #1
26 February 2022
Which methods lead to different forms of participation, sharing and knowledge transfer? What kinds of resources do we need to create a community? Which existing spaces and localities can be integrated? How are they thus transformed? Can we speak of a collectivity in such processes? Is the collectivity always singular? We discuss these and other questions with Heather Purcell and Hanwen Zhang, artists whose work explicitly addresses feminist and migrant communities.
Location: Neue Nachbarschaft // Moabit (Berlin)
Einladung: Food and Justice. Zu Community basierter Kunst, Teil #2
13 May 2022
13 May 2022
In the second part of the series of events on community-based art, we look at food politics, degrowthing and community. How can we act together and organise among ourselves in uncertain times? In her lecture performance, Marisa Benjamim prepares a dish on site while discussing food strategies. Based on cooking recipes, the artist will confront us with our everyday practices and habits. In doing so, Marisa Benjamin relies on a transfer of knowledge and the formation of communities that develop the idea of a just and local food distribution.
In the subsequent discussion with the artists Marisa Benjamim and Marta Sala, we will address the following questions: What role does artistic practice play in locating food politics, ecology and economy in our daily lives? Is sustainable cooking only a vision for the rich? How can we incorporate global issues from a local perspective? What does food justice mean today?
In the subsequent discussion with the artists Marisa Benjamim and Marta Sala, we will address the following questions: What role does artistic practice play in locating food politics, ecology and economy in our daily lives? Is sustainable cooking only a vision for the rich? How can we incorporate global issues from a local perspective? What does food justice mean today?
Location: OKK - Organ kritischer Kunst - organ of critical arts (Berlin)